The Best Way to Teach Your Dog to Pick Up Dropped Items

Pickup is a crucial building block for learning skills like identification, tracking, and searching. Through training, your dog gains the ability to deliver the requested object to you. In order to do this, the dog must have a strong desire to pick up the object, actively search for it, and intend not to destroy it. The primary unconditioned stimulus for picking up the object is its induction.


Pick up, drop, and hand motions The object that the dog will hold is indicated by the right hand. Two training techniques First, establish the dog's conditioned reflexes to the commands and hand motions for "pick up" and "drop."


  1. In a quiet setting, select an item that the dog finds interesting, is simple to hold, and bears the owner's scent. Hold the object in your right hand and command the dog to "pick up" or "drop."
  2. Next, shake the item in front of the dog while saying "Pick up" once more. Praise the dog with a "good" if the command causes him to hold the object.
  3. Wait for 5 seconds, then say, "Drop," and you take the object and give the dog a reward.


  1. In each training session, repeat two to three times. As soon as the dog can hold the object, the luring action of shaking it should be gradually reduced until the dog is able to hold the object and drop it completely when instructed.


Sit the dog on your left side, then command it while holding the item in your right hand.

  1. With your left hand, carefully open the dog's mouth so you can place the item inside. Next, with your right hand, hold the dog's lower palate in place.
  2. While simultaneously saying "pick up" and "good," pat his head with your left hand. Repeat "pick up" and gently support the lower jaw if the dog indicates that it is about to drop the object.
  3. Prior to delivering the command to "drop," the dog can initially hold the item for a brief period of time.
  4. Take away the item and give the dog a pat and a treat as compensation. Repeat the instruction as outlined above. when the dog is capable of holding the object and dropping it when instructed. Then you can move on to the next step.


You can begin the training program for throwing and catching objects once the dog has mastered "pick up" and "drop."

  1. Hold the dog by the long leash, and position yourself to his left. Throw the item about 10 meters away.
  2. Give the dog a command and a hand signal to go get the item when it reaches the desired spot. Pull him toward that direction and repeat the command and hand signal if the dog still won't move.


  1. When he approaches holding the item, say "come." Encourage him by telling him what he's doing "good," then make the dog drop the item and reward him.


  1. Take control of the dog if it acts without waiting for the command. Before saying "pick up," wait until the dog is calm. Make sure the dog develops a reflex to pick up on cue.
  2. The leash should be used to correct the dog if it holds the object but refuses to come when called. Throwing should start close to the target and move outward gradually until it reaches a distance of 30 meters.

Take Note:

  1. Do not allow the dog to pick up objects idly in order to develop the ability to pick up objects on command.
  2. To avoid affecting the dog's desire to pick up, the forced training method should be suitable for the type of dog—more teasing and inducing than rough—and the reward must be prompt and sufficient.
  3. Pay close attention to resolving the dog's issue with playing and tearing while fetching objects in order to uphold the proper action.
  4. You should select the most interesting items for training, and you shouldn't have the dog fetch more than three times each time in order to maintain and increase the dog's enthusiasm for the game.
  5. When training your dog, switch up the fetching toys frequently to help him become more accustomed to different objects.
  6. You shouldn't make any sudden movements during training, and the food reward shouldn't be given too soon or too frequently to avoid the dog dropping the object too soon.