The best way to teach a dog to catch a Frisbee

  1. Develop obedience

If you want your dog to finish the Frisbee game quickly, be sure to teach him the bite and spit command. In reality, you and your dog are practicing with a Frisbee while playing the game. What you need to do is gradually increase the dog's interest so that he can complete the bite-and-spit game better and faster.


For a tutorial on how to teach your dog to pick up an object, please refer to the How to pick up an object lesson.


Select a Frisbee.

 Human play discs ("frisbees") can hurt your dog. To guard the teeth of your dog, choose a disc that is strong, flexible, and soft to the touch.

  1. Launch "a roller."

Throw the Frisbee so that it rolls on the ground like a wheel as opposed to into the air. This helps your dog transition from fetching the ball to retrieving the Frisbee. This is how dogs enjoy chasing the Frisbee. It teaches them how to "aim" the disc and pick it up.


  1. Alternate throwing the disc in the air and the roller.

Start with short, slow throws, and be very careful to avoid hitting your dog with the disc. Your dog might initially try to retrieve the disc before letting it fall to the ground. Before your dog successfully catches it out of the air for the first time, it might take 100 or more throws. Do not rush!


  1. Instruct your dog to run after the disc.

Your dog will eventually become accustomed to the Frisbee, discover how to track it in the air, and develop a strong desire for it ("drive!") to the point where he is unwilling to do anything else. Instead of grabbing it out of the air, hold off until it hits the ground. You've been waiting for this moment! Congratulations! You've just gotten a disc dog!


  1. Improve reflexes.

Your dog can be trained using a variety of Frisbees while being continuously allowed to bite, jump, and spit. Then slowly increase the speed.

Keep in mind that you must effectively manage the dog's excitement during the training process. Allow them to bite the Frisbee; they will be thrilled.

This time you must give the Frisbee to the dog once more in order to make him happier, then return to get it once more, and so on, in order to create a positive interaction.



When the dog is especially ecstatic, you must let him run twice more and catch the disc a few more times. Parents can pair up to take turns throwing the Frisbee to one another.

In this manner, the dog can playfully run back and forth while also being able to enjoy himself greatly. After that, he will feel very happy to see the Frisbee! I mean joyful!