Separation Anxiety Disorder


A Separation Anxiety Disorder in dogs? How to handle


You may believe your dog is misbehaving when he constantly barks and wrecks havoc on your home when he is left alone. He most likely suffers from separation anxiety disorder (SAD), in fact. What should you do if your dog fits the description in the scenario above? I'll discuss four strategies with you today for overcoming SAD.


  1. Give the dog the items that have your scent.

One of the reasons dogs can have SAD is that they are too dependent on their owners and feel uneasy when they are not around. Therefore, you can leave some items that have your scent on them, like clothes and socks, and when the dog smells the familiar scent, he will assume that you are still at home, which will make the dog not anxious.


  1. Don't hold the dog when leaving or when you get home.

The second method is to avoid giving the dog a hug before leaving or after returning home. The goal is to make the dog feel as though this is a small thing. When you leave the house, you hug and cajole him, making it look like a farewell parting. He will be very reluctant and will feel uneasy. You could also make him a little dog food and say you'll be right back.


  1. Provide the dog with some snacks.

Anxiety may be reduced by eating. Before leaving the house, you can pack a food toy with his favorite snacks in it, which will make the dog feel relieved and temporarily forget where you went.


  1. Educating him

Training is essential if you want to reduce your dog's SAD symptoms. Not only will trained dogs be able to better manage their emotions, but they will also be more self-assured. Furthermore, dogs with a high level of self-assurance do not naturally exhibit anxiety. Make sure to train your dog on a regular basis.